Monday 29 May 2017

Nerf war at Obora hvězda

We dont have a lot planned this week. Unfortunately our youngest got lyme disease from a tick so he is on antibiotics and we have to stay out of the strong sun. A shame really. This week offers perfect swimming weather. I hope the world schoolers can get together without us and enjoy the sun. There are plenty of swimming options in Prague. Some easy ones g
to get to are : Petynka swimming pool and the water play park at hladkov tram stop, there is also a lake you can get to (Hostivař reserve). Watch out for the ticks though, we got our one from Petynka and that was even after what i thought was a thorough check!

So this week Im only arranging the nerf war. We will meet at 1pm at the star building in the obora hvezda forest. Its a lovely place which is good for a picknick and some den building also. There are two play parks. The field by the star building is best for the nerf war for finding bullets. The easiest way to get there is tram 22 or 25 to either obora hvezda or vypich. You will see the gate to the forest there and just walk on the gravel path until you get to the star building (cant be missed). Let me know if you are coming!

Picture of some nerf fighters from last summer :)

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