Sunday 5 February 2017

Winter and some news

Due to some personal reasons I havent been able to run the Prague worldschooling after xmas. We were planning to leave czech for 6 months as our feet are itchy again. But something keeps us here now - will tell you another time :) We will do trips when we can this spring though so there will be less regular worldschooling and more go with the flow. This autumn we had worldschoolers getting in touch with us every week - this last month has been very quiet. I guess czech is not that popular for worldschoolers in the winter - but you know what? The mountains here have more snow then when we lived in Sweden! The picture about is taken in the Stromovka Park in the city - we have had snow here for a while but it just melted the other day.

Slowly we will resume activities. The Family yoga is off at the moment - we need more families to join. Its a wonderful opportunity where the whole family is involved. Its great fun with yoga and lots of play - just perfect for homeschoolers.

There is an option to join a math class on tuesdays at Brainobrain. Our kids really liked their private lessons last autumn. Now they start a class which will be extra nice for homeschoolers :)

Id like to start a minecraft club. Our boys really got into it and would love to get to know more kids here that loves it too. If your kid loves minecraft and wants to play with us let me know!

For this February our activities will be spontaneous so keep getting in touch for opportunities to meet up and come to activities.

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